My Journey Through CONSCIOUSNESS

This timeline captures the defining chapters of my life. It is more than a series of dates; it's a narrative of growth, learning, and the realizations that have sculpted my perception of self and reality. To uncover the timeline, please scroll down.
February 1994
The Birth
"When I was 10, I thought my dad knew everything,
When I was 20, I thought my dad knew nothing,
Now I'm 30 and I know my dad knows everything."
July 2005
Early Seeds: Laying the Bedrock: If I had to encapsulate my seven-year journey here in the yogic system of Astanga Yoga (8 limbs of yoga), it would align with the first four parts: Yama, Niyama, Asana, and Pranayama. H.D.H Hariprasad Swami's teachings set the stage for the profound experiences that were to follow.
August 2012
Mumbai Mosaic, New Mindscapes: I moved to Mumbai to pursue a degree in Architecture. This transition was more than just a geographical shift; it opened up doors to a broader world. During this period, I delved deeply into the intricate relationship between physical spaces and our inner experiences, discovering how our environments shape and reflect our lives. I gained insights into the impact of architecture on human emotions and behaviors.
April 2017
The seeker's progress, entering pratyahara: Drawn to the depth and clarity of sadhguru's teachings, the Isha Foundation marked pivotal shift in my journey as a seeker, transitioning from foundational practices to advanced explorations in consciousness.
January 2020
advaita vedanta, the final path: In january, a friend introduced me to the path of Advaita Vedanta, to what I call 'arriving home'. He introduced me to the self-inquiry, a teaching of Sri Ramana Maharshi. But this was also the year when the World was hit by Covid 19 Pandemic and India went into lockdown in march. However, the challenges of the year were far from over. In June, a daunting event struck my family as my father suffered a brain stroke, sending ripples of distress through our lives. But I knew he was a fighter and he would make it. He finally recovered. It was a period of deep introspection and growth, a time when the external turmoil mirrored my internal explorations.
Ramana Maharshi
December 2022
A Bold Leap to Boston: After three years marked by personal hardships and the global impact of the 2020 pandemic, by the end of the year it became a defining moment in my life. The decision to move to the US for a Masters Degree at Northeastern University in Boston, MA was monumental.